Saturday, May 2, 2009

Maven Moment: Thank You!!!

I have to keep it 100 with all of you who come to my blog day to day!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! For the support and thanks for coming back again and again. Shout out to all my friends on Twitter and facebook. Also much luv to all my international subscribers and fellow blogger's and supporters who come to my site after they finish their own sites. I am finding my voice and thank you all for baring with me as I work my way through my thoughts and feelings about this world of ours!! Another shout out to everyone on my blog roll and the new ones being added soon. Also I can't forget to shout out the good people at Luxury Launches who have helped me find things that I am really into and could not find! And last but not least I have to thank the spectacular WOMAN in my life, Demetria Jordan, thanks for keeping me focused on the project at hand and just for being a GREAT writer yourself!!!! THANKS AGAIN TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS AND SUBSCRIBERS!! Keep checking for my posts, I have all kinds of heat and new projects that I'm working on to share with all of you!!


A picture is worth a thousand words they say..........

Quote For Today!

There is NO such thing as BLACK music or WHITE music only GOOD or BAD music..It’s stupid cool to like things that are not like you, and that goes far outside of music..


Cicolette Concept Exercise Bike!!

I never thought that exercise equipment could be transformed into functional pieces of art. But Ciclotte has proved me wrong. The Cicolette concept exercise bike looks like a unique piece of art and still promises unbeatable performance. What better way to get some cardio in then being stylish and modern. Recently exhibited in Milan this classy piece of exercise equipment has been designed by designer Luca Schieppati. It has been made almost entirely out of carbon fiber so you can expect this cycle to be lightweight and easy to carry. There is also a road faring version of this single big wheeled cycle which the designer hopes to bring to the market along with the exercise version. Either way there will be people lined up around the corner to get this when it drops. Today's consumer still likes to have something fresh and new to show off to their friends and neighbors.


Mantide from Stile Bertone: The Most Stylish Street Legal Car

If you are a Supercar enthusiast or just some one who likes dope ass cars then the latest beauty from Stile Bertone is just for you. Christened the Mantide, the Batmobile-like supercar has been designed by American designer, Jason Castriota and was unveiled last week at the Shanghai
Auto Show. Known for creating one-off prototypes based on the mechanicals of Chevrolet's sporting automobiles spanning over 50 years, Stile Bertone’s latest beauty utilizes the mechanic's of the 2009 Corvette ZR1. The Mantide which has been designed and engineered in collaboration with the renowned Danisi Engineering is sure to leave you breathless with its design and performance. Aiming to be the to be the world's greatest street legal performance car, this sleekly designed car draws equal inspiration from modern aerospace and the world of Formula One.
The low-slung nose, jet fighter style teardrop canopy and butterfly opening doors, as well as the numerous air inlets and exhausts for maximum air efficiency give this car an edge above other Supercars. This is truly a design masterpiece, it will rule not just the roads but hearts as well!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Most physical products that I can think of with the exception of clothes and iPods are struggling, as a result of the internet. It’s a pilgrimage just to purchase a CD or book. A good friend of mine called me the other day just to ask, “Where can I buy the movie Match Point?” The New York Times is shuttering section after section, and the The Wall Street Journal is now $2.00 Daily. Put it like this, GQ magazine is $3.75 each month. I am barely beyond 26, and as a young man I remember paying $0.50 for a WSJ when I was living in NYC! And then there’s the automobile. What can I say on here that I haven’t said already to those who are close to me? It is actually the easiest problem of all that we have to fix because it is so straight forward. You simply can’t have 5 different automakers all making millions upon millions of cars a year. It was never sustainable, we learned that in the 60s or 70s I think. And now we are really learning it again… energy crisis included. But if we keep it real, whatever that means, I know that 90% of people really don’t learn from the past(I love history and I have learned to never repeat the mistakes that I have made. Hopefully everyone learns this). But I am told there is change that we can actually believe in coming.

The internet, however, is a slightly different beast. It is both non-profit, and for profit. And this peculiar hybrid interaction with the economy leaves us confused about what we should pay for. Take the ‘Facebook’ model for instance. No one wants Facebook to sell or use their information, but that is the only way that they can make money. Well, there is another way too, but if you mention it at a hip dinner party you will be jumped(I suggest you don't do this after you have had a few drinks). I will say it here because I am downstairs alone in "my house" , we pay. Yes, we pay for the services, and services being the key word, like any other subscription service. I just reconnected with a guy I played peewee football with over 13 years ago via Facebook. If I wanted to do the same in the ‘real world’ I would have to hire some investigator, give the all the information about where I lived 13 years ago and what I was doing and hope that they could find Mike. Or, I could do it in five minutes on Facebook. That service sounds like it might be worth $2 to $5 a month. I mean your cell phone (which people also use with Facebook) keeps you in contact with people and that monthly subscription is much more expensive. Not to mention it could keep Facebook from using your information. Because the truth of the matter is all these very popular sites are more popular than they are profitable. I recently saw an interview with the CEO of Twitter and he didn’t seem to have a clear and concise answer or idea as to how Twitter was going to see profits. As one magazine called us ‘Generation Twit’ needs to get back to good ‘ole fashioned business models.

We have all been spoiled by the internet. I expect that the internet will help me find an old friend in under five minutes. I expect that it is going to be free. When I am done with that, I expect to go to someone’s well thought out blog and be educated or put on to something new and cool, for free. Then I will go over to several newspaper sites and peruse the headlines, all for free. Then maybe finish up at YouTube and watch some illegal content(Sorry, I do this all the time).

Everything is Free. But, every time we click on something, a person that was paid, saw to it that something happened. So whoever paid him needs to make some money or they can’t keep paying that person. Or The New York Times starts closing sections and struggling because we don’t want buy a subscription to the newspaper, and want to read it on line for free.

In the end, the fix to the way we resolve the usefulness of the internet starts not with business, but with our expectations.

If you can think of a ‘service’ that people pay for over the web other than iTunes, please comment on this!


Market Info Via(ThrasherFunds)

Quote For Today!

“Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.”

-Marilyn Ferguson

Dita Featherlite Series

Dita has added some new pieces to their Featherlite Series. The frames for men and women come in several colorways and are available now at Dita retailers worldwide. I first came across this brand a year ago when I ran into JD. Ever since then I have been on the look out for their new frames.

A Look At The New Louis V Men Bags!!!

I'm not all the way sure yet about the man bag crazy that has hit very fashionable men as of late. But being a well dressed man my self I have to say, some of the new bags are very dope!! I really might have to grab one just for show purposes only! LOL

Bulls VS Celtics Game 6 Recap!!

This game last night was so dope, by far the best series of the playoffs. Every game has been crazy!! Ray Allen has been hitting some very big and important shots! And #15 from the Bulls stepped up.. I gotta watch game 7 because its going to be one hell of a game!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quote For Today!

“The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to make money nor find much fun in life.”

-Charles M. Schwab

"The Girlfriend Experience"

Just in case you don't know about this "The Girlfriend Experience" is a new film from Steven Soderbergh about five days in the life of a Manhattan call girl played by porn star Sasha Grey. Who was in a Roots video last year and has a very strong following in porn industry. Peep the trailer below and tell me your not the least interested in seeing this film when it comes out....

Kaos Bookcase!!

I am getting ready to move into a new house, so I have been looking around for cool new furniture. If you are like me, then you still injoy going to the store and buying and reading books. So yesterday I came (*Pause) across this bookcase or personal library by Kaos , conceived by the Austrian studio Destilat. An original manner to arrange the books because it is neither linear, nor vertical. But whats even better is the look, it is dope and spectacular to me. Truly unconventional!!!

Dots by Werner Aisslinger for Conmoto a Perfect Combo of Fireplace and Seat

This exceptional fireplace by Werner Aisslinger for Conmoto is the first time that a fireplace and seating have been brought together to create a portable product family. The cylindrical elements are easy to assemble while the textile cushions are completely weather resistant and can be effortlessly removed and washed. All I have to say is this is very dope!! Just another thing to make your house or apartment different!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quote For Today!

“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.”
-Lao Tzu

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm Not To Sure About This..... But Loso Is!!

This might be how "Loso" does it, but over here in my camp we don't subscribe to saving thieves, hoes, skemps, scamps, or skeezers of any kind!! I like Fabo but damn homie put your blackcard away untill the recession is over. There are alot of chicks that are deciding to steal now that money and credit's getting tight. You don't want every one of them expecting you to save them before the police show up! LOL


A Powerful Package: The Ferrari 599XX !!

Ferrari is synonymous with not just the color ed but class, style and of course - speed. And their latest beauty, the 599XX which was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show was the embodiment of all these traits and much more. Based on the 599 GTB Fiorano, the €1.1million ($1.4 million) prototype model is a hardcore racer that comes equipped with many advanced features. The modifications on the bodywork help the 599XX to produce 280 kg or 717lbs of downforce at 200km/h (124mph) and 630kg or 1,390 lbs at 300km/h (187mph). Sorry I'm really into cars so I had to give specs! LOL, this car is mean and with that price tag we all know only certain people will be able to afford it!


A Moment of Clarity !!!

OK people lets get right into it, I'm sure by now everyone knows about the Air Force flying one of the planes "Classified" as Air Force One when the President is on it over New York City and Jersey yesterday. The plane was escorted by "Two" F16 fighter jets and it was a photo opp being done for the government. This being New York City and with people still reeling from the attacks of almost eight years ago, residents and workers in the area evacuated many buildings. This photo opp was done in very poor taste if I say so myself. But lets keep it 100 and stop all the bitchassness now coming out of this story. There are reporters trying to get comments from the 911 families?! WTF!! They don't have a damn thing to do with this, and why would it be important to talk to the families of the people who died that day then these people weren't even there. The people who died on 911 are important not their punk ass families who keep trying to add their tidbits on shit. Also its 2009 and we have way more problems going on than to worry about AIR FORCE ONE FLYING OVER THE FUCKING CITY!! So what if it was flying some what low, it had jets escorting it and it's the Presidents Plane! Come the fuck on with the bullshit, stop being scary ass Americans for 5 minutes and look at the damn facts. Then there's people out there that wanted a warning about this stunt, first off simple people, the Air Force never tells anyone when and where AIR FORCE ONE is because of security concerns. Second what makes everyone think that they are that important in the grand scheme of things! The reason why they didn't say anything is because the Presidents life is more important than hundreds of thousands of us. It sucks but it's the truth, and everyone needs to understand this. Look I'm not in New York this month but I will be back next, so I feel for all of you who are THERE, and realize this was scary, however, think for a moment and realize the security threat that could have occurred if a “notice” went out advising of a “fly-over”!!!! I love all of New York (I'm from Harlem) and understand….your concerns..I’m just asking you to think about it.

Tell The Truthhhhh!!

That's A BAD Chick!!

I was over at Bee Nguyen blog and I seen this great shoot from 2005 with one of my favorite models, Omahyra, she has been getting it in for years. When I'm in New York I usually see her and the crew going hard in the scene. Her look is sexy and different and that's what I like, thus her being in this post!


Quote For Today!

“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.”


Monday, April 27, 2009

Quote For Today!!

“This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.”

-Susan Polis Schutz

Feel the Time - Timepiece for the Blind

Although the blind can’t be in awe of the watches that us, privileged with eyesight get to see, designer Anna Bieniek took an approach with the visually impaired in mind. Feel the Time’s face features rotating disc with a tangible nub on each allowing the blind to read the time. The three-dimensional rings separate the discs from each other and a flexible membrane protects the face of the watch. Blind or not, this watch definitely challenges your senses and looks good on any wrist. Shout out to Limitemagazine on this one crazy!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Greedy Genius Ocean Runner!

Finally taking a step away from their traditional bright colored footwear, Greedy Genius is offering a preview into their upcoming style, the Ocean Runner. The shoe takes on subtle nautical characteristics mostly in the form of re-appropriated boat shoe characteristics. The shoe features tonal nubuck uppers with external lacing details along the heel and side panels. The Greedy Genius branding is kept to a minimum except for the tongue area which is much better than their logo. I have no idea when these shoes are coming out so stay LOCKED IN to the Experience!!


Girard-Perregaux Vintage 1945 Tourbillon!!

This is the Girard-Perregaux Vintage 1945 Tourbillon is one of the most exquisite vintage time pieces I've laid eyes my eyes on. The Art Deco(Yeah I'm refined)-inspired 1945 Vintage case looks very unique and unconventional in the skeletal design. The three distinctive bridges add a certain elegance to the looks. The barrel, gear train and escapement are all arranged along the same axis due to the configuration of the bridges. The sapphire caseback is sleek and the movement has an appealing transparent characteristic. This design and mechanism dates back to 1860 and has the unmistakable classic aesthetics. It took seven days of hard work per watch to capture the finish on the bridges. It looks gorgeous in pink gold and it isn't available in any other metal. Girard-Perregaux spells pedigree and luxury. And thus it has made its way to the Robinson Experience!