Friday, June 5, 2009

Feel the way you choose

Whatever you feel on the inside, you will experience on the outside. Life reflects back to you the way you most sincerely and persistently are.

When you’re having a joyful day it’s because you’ve decided to do so. The world you see is directly related to the world you intend to see.

From nothing, in an instant, you can create joy. Where there was none before, you can express love.

Do you realize the power in your ability to feel the way you choose to feel? With that power you can change the world.

You’re extraordinarily skilled at changing your feelings, and you’ve had much experience at doing so.

Feel the beauty of this moment, and watch as that feeling manifests in the world around you.

This is your moment to live more fully than you’ve ever lived. Feel the possibilities, and bring them to life.

Ralph Marston

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