Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Every Richness !!

What is the most positive, wonderful thing you can imagine for yourself, for your life, for the ones you love, for the world in which you live? As soon as you can imagine it,
you’re well on the way to making it a reality.

If it were impossible there would be no way you could even conceive of it. Live with the knowledge and the assurance that the best you can imagine is indeed available to you
and possible for you.

You are filled with valuable experience. The things you’ve done, learned, seen and lived through have left behind a unique, powerful substance of experience that is yours

It is yours to make use of, yours to build upon, and yours with which to

Though you cannot live in the past, you can draw from the value you created there. Invest today’s actions with the wealth of experience you’ve accumulated, and that investment will immediately begin to pay dividends.

Live your passion, do your dream, and feel wonderfully alive in each moment. This life is now yours, so experience in it every way you can imagine.

Ralph Marston

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