Last night after eating one of the best Easter Sunday dinners that I have ever had in my 26 years on this earth my tooth began to hurt. I really didn't think nothing of it because like all of us it happens sometimes. But nah, this particular tooth was on a mission to shut the rest of my night down. And to tell you all the truth it really did. I broke out with a mean sweat and a vicious headache that had me up all night and damn near in tears( I know not really manly right but fuck it!). Some how I fell asleep around 12am while my woman was downstairs handling some business. I thought after taking some pain meds I would be cool in the morning, morning in my mind meant 8:15ish. But the tooth decided that 4am was a good time for me to get up and suffer. So I was really mad and my head started pounding again and that was that.
Around 9 my woman made me a much needed appointment at the dentist and I got dressed and rushed over there. After 10mins of filling out paper work and hearing little kids crying and grown men cussing, I walk back to the chair to take my few x-rays. After another 10mins the dentist comes out and gives me the good news "You need a Root canal or I can pull it for you"!! I'm like WTF, it was just a toothache and a mean headache and now I need this expensive ass procedure done or this pain is never going away. Damn, stay focused G!! So I sit there and talk to him about the pro's and con's of the procedure and what not. Then the lady at the front desk comes back and shows me how much it cost's for both. Check this shit out, it costs $1,867 for the Root canal and $265 to get the tooth pulled!!! Once again I'm like WTF at the price, damn ain't it a recession out here why the hell does it still cost so much? This office has flat screen tvs in front of every chair, they sure don't need all this money from me right?! Wrong they are working hard to get it from me. SO now as I write this post I'm trying to figure out what to do next. The sad thing about it is that I don't have a choice, I'm going to have to get that damn Root Canal!! I thought being a Maven was about being stylish and fly at all times, no one ever said that your teeth could mess up and destroy your week!! Damn now that's $1,867 that could go to a new suit or a bunch of other stuff. DAMN!!!
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